Protects your car and your life

  • In the event of an accident, it can save passenger lives
  • When collision sensor is activated, it automatically dials assistance 
  • Stolen vehicle tracking and retrieval
  • Discounts on vehicle insurance
  • Premium calculation according to kilometers driven
  • Mobile and web applications

Smart assistance

UNIQA SafeLine is a revolutionary telematic assistance developed by Cebia and the UNIQA insurance company for vehicle insurance. The telematic unit, which we install in the vehicle, can help a motorist in numerous common situations (details below). In addition, the system can calculate the insurance premium based on kilometers driven and types of roads used.

Accident assistance

SafeLine provides motorists immediate assistance in the event of an accident. The impact sensor automatically reports a vehicle accident and location to the central desk. The operator will call the driver to send adequate assistance. If the driver cannot be reached, the operator will immediately dispatch EMS to the vehicle.

Theft assistance

If the vehicle is stolen, thanks to the SafeLine unit operators can locate it and with the help of the police return it to the owner.

SOS button

The SafeLine unit is equipped with an SOS button located in the vehicle cabin. In the event of a breakdown on the road, sudden indisposition of the driver or other emergency situations, passengers can press the SOS button to call for road assistance, which will take care of further steps.

Statistics and driving log

SafeLine can automatically keep a driving log, assess driving style, and display statistics. It is also able to constantly monitor the car battery status and send an SMS when the battery needs to charged or replaced. All driving data and parameters can be viewed at any time on the mobile or web application.

Service versions

UNIQA SafeLine

  • Passive protection – In the event of vehicle theft, the tracking of the vehicle is initiated (upon owner's request). The vehicle is then secured and returned back to its owner.
  • Simple connection of the satellite GPS unit to the vehicle battery (hidden installation available for an additional fee)
  • SOS button in the vehicle cabin (wireless)

UNIQA Security 24

  • Active protection – Non-stop monitoring by the central security desk. If an attempt is made to steal the vehicle (i.e., unauthorized movement of the vehicle or disconnection from the battery) an alert is immediately generated and the owner is contacted. After theft is confirmed, tracking of the vehicle commences. The vehicle is subsequently secured and returned back to its owner.
  • Hidden installation makes the satellite GPS unit more difficult to detect or uninstall
  • SOS button in the vehicle cabin (wired)

Both versions include:

  • Free professional installation at authorized locations
  • Insurance discount based on number of km driven
  • Backup battery in the event of power loss
  • Works all over Europe
  • Active impact sensor – automatically calls for assistance in the event of an accident
  • Non-stop assistance service
  • Statistics and records including driving log
  • Mobile and web application
  • Automatic accident analysis – assistance during no fault car accidents

How to order

The first step is to request SafeLine assistance as part of your UNIQA insurance policy. SafeLine can be part of third-party liability insurance or accident insurance. Ideally, SafeLine will be part of any new insurance, but of course can be added to insurance you already have. Contact your insurance broker. .

Then order installation. You can choose from over 150 authorized Cebia locations throughout the CR.

Attention: UNIQA Security 24 is not available at the moment.

List of locations


Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between active and passive vehicle protection?

When the vehicle is actively guarded, the car is constantly under the supervision of the central security desk. If the satellite unit detects unauthorized manipulation of the vehicle (unauthorized movement or power disconnection), it immediately sends an alarm. The alarm is immediately dealt with by the central security desk by contacting the owner or initiating a search for the vehicle and securing it.

In passive guarding, the vehicle is not under constant surveillance and the search for the vehicle is initiated only after the owner's request. Without a request from the owner, the vehicle is not tracked or located or secured.

What is the central security desk?

Central security desk is a workplace of a security agency or police that supervises guarded vehicles around the clock. In the event of an attempted theft, it then organises the immediate tracking of the vehicle's movements, its seizure and its return to the owner.

Can SafeLine be installed in vehicles equipped with a conventional car alarm?

Yes, it can. If the car alarm is reliable and does not suffer from false alarms, it can be connected to the satellite unit. The owner and, optionally, the central security desk will be notified by SMS of an alarm caused by the car alarm.

Can the accident information captured by the telematic unit be used as evidence?

Yes, it can. Data captured by motion sensors is usually accepted by police and insurance companies as conclusive. In many cases, questionable patterns of e.g. chain-reaction traffic crashes have been proven in this way.

What happens when the telematics unit malfunctions?

Satellite units have very few failures. Technical support monitors the condition of the installed units almost continuously and, in the event of a failure, immediately contacts the vehicle owner and recommends a service check as soon as possible.

What is GPS?

GPS (Global Positioning System) is originally a military navigation system operated by the US Department of Defense. Using an array of satellites, the system can determine the position of a GPS device to within a few meters. Today, there are several similar satellite systems that are also used for commercial purposes. The best known are GLONASS and Europe's Galileo. Cebia SAT units can use all 3 of these systems, greatly increasing the sensitivity and accuracy of positioning.

Didn't find the answer to your question? Write or call us at +420 222 207 444

Contact form

Web application

Change in information? To properly provide central security desk and assistance services it is essential for your contact information to be current. If there has been a change in address, telephone number or e-mail contact, you can notify us by phone at +420 222 207 444 or send e‑an e-mail here.

The Inter Partner Assistance Company offers Cebia SAT customers a wide range of assistance services in all European countries covered by the "Green Card". An assistance service operator can be contacted by calling +420 272 101 020.

The SECURITAS CZ Company prevents vehicle theft through monitoring at its central security desk (CSD). A SECURITAS operator can be reached by calling tel. +420 284 018 320‑29 or +420 724 844 928.